Monday, October 29, 2012

words of wisdom

School can be totally overwhelming at times, but just take it 
a little bit at a time and you will be surprised how
much you are able to accomplish! 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall Favorite: Texas State Fair!

If you can eat it, you can fry it at the Texas State Fair. In fact they are
famous for the random things they fry like butter, beer, pizza, 
PBJ sandwiches.. the list is literally endless!
We (meaning Chase and Alex) tried fried pizza, 
fried sausage gravy and biscuits, and a churro.
Brielle and I tried fried samoa Girl Scout cookies that were actually
The day we went the State Fair's iconic symbol Big Tex caught on fire and burned down.
 The best part of the fair is the animals!
 precious baby goats

 fried biscuits and gravy
 buh-bye Big Tex
Fried pizza... they had some grumpy tummies after that!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fit Friday! My Halloween Costume Workout

Halloween is creeping up on us! My favorite part about Halloween is decorating pumpkins, drinking hot cider, and eating chili, but this year I was invited to my first GROWNUP Halloween party. I wanted to get as fit as I was this summer before I try squeezing into a costume! Especially because I know there will be tons of pictures taken. (groan...) 
 I have been doing this QUICK and FUN workout once or twice a day along with a short run.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What I wish I was wearing Wednesday

What I wish I was wearing Wednesday...
Stubbs and Wooten Slippers!
I love how classy and practical they are for fall.
Definitely on my wish list!

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Day at the Museum: New York City Part II

Our day two explorations included much anticipated apple cider donuts and apple cider from the Union Square Farmer's Market! So so so yummy!
I loved how quaint the little market was amongst all the HUGE buildings surrounding it. 
We took the Subway down to the American Museum of Natural History which is where the movie Night at the Museum takes place! 

 so happy about our apple cider donuts and apple cider! 
 leash children too funny!
 doggy carrying his doggy bag.. how well behaved!

 John Lennon memorial 

New York City Part I

Friday I was sitting at Einstein's waiting for my next class to start when I ran across an American Airlines fare sale. I saw a super cheap flight to Manhattan and got all excited that I would get to visit my sister over fall break (which started the next day). Anyways, silly me Manhattan airport is in Kansas. Who knew?! But as luck would have it, I found an equally good steal on a flight to Newark. I have only been into the big city a few times and none really that I remember, so I was very excited to get to visit the Big Apple and see my little sister at NYU! 
 I am such a creature of habit. I love having cereal for breakfast!
Washington Square Park 

 China town smelled like fish. Pewww

 Looking a tad exhausted after exploring all day 
 Ferris Wheel in Toys'R'Us

Hudson River Pier

Friday, October 12, 2012

maybooks stationary coming soon!

I was so excited to find out that one of my favorite paper goods companies will be launching a new stationary line! The mixture of patterns and colors creates a perfect casual chic notecard for thank you notes and snail mail letters!
My favorite one is the lime green chevron print with coral accent monogram circle. 
This is the preview they have up on their blog. Head on over and check it out! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

FALLing back into the swing of things

Fall is here! Fall has become one of my favorite seasons since I have moved to Dallas, most likely because fall is a real season here! (most of the time) I can not believe it is already the middle of October and I am just now getting back into a normal school routine, but better late then never. 
For the next two months I will be sharing with you my favorite fall outfits, fall activities around dallas, and delicious fall recipes! 

YUM! I love pumpkin. Lots of pumpkin recipes to come...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012