Monday, June 25, 2012

LAX: 'nuff said

I am dashing home for two weeks to visit my lovely and lonely doggies, my grandmothers, and taking a trip to the keys! Somewhere in my planning process I pretended the Los Angeles airport was close enough to Santa Barbara to make it worth saving $200 dollars on my flight. (new clothes as a reward for my thrifty travel planning, I think yes) Anyways, my super planning also included a red eye flight both ways. I saw this as a positive, I don't have to lose a whole day traveling! Well upon our arrival to LAX a mere 2 hours later miraculously without traffic, we enter what seems to be the airport version of disney world. Lighted signs, a spaceship looking control tower, and tens of thousands of tourists. Yes, I realize I am not for California, but I am at least from this country and consider myself to not be a tourist amongst the crowd frequenting this airport. After 40 minutes of trying to find a parking spot for my DUALLY, yes, we drove to LAX in a dually, we finally found this mysterious parking level with no cars on it. Yes, it is probably haunted, yes we were annoyed that they make hybrid car only parking, but we pulled right in and began the hike over to the terminal. 
I packed light, a small carry on and a tote....that weighs 20 pounds. I blame the extra purse, the MCAT books, laptop, etc. Anyways, I tried to use a restroom with said tote and carry on. My mistake. Those things are not meant to be maneuvered into a stall! Heaven forbid you leave the thing outside the stall they will probably call national security for an unattended item. 
I gave up and bought my $4 Evian water.
Now just to wait for the flight.

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